I've always been a huge believer in the power of words. It's no surprise that I'm also a huge fan of vision statements and wall words. These two tools can help you retain employees and keep your customers happy by increasing their motivation to work with your company.
Here's how:
Find out your employees' values
It's important to have a vision statement, core values, and wall words to keep everyone moving in the same direction. A company culture that celebrates what you stand for helps ensure everyone stays motivated.
It's also important that these statements are visible so they're front of mind when people come into work or think about their role in the business. With this in mind, it's worth considering how you can make them visible without being too distracting:
Vision statement
Keep it simple! It should be clear and powerful, something that gets people excited about what they do every day at work. Some examples include "We create amazing customer experiences" or "We help people achieve their goals". You could even use an inspirational quote from a famous person such as Gandhi saying: "Be the change you wish to see in this world." This would give employees something positive but also challenge them at the same time!
It's important to have a vision statement, core values, and wall words to keep everyone moving in the same direction. A company culture that celebrates what you stand for helps ensure everyone stays motivated.
The key is to make sure your vision statement and core values are clear, concise, and something that everyone can rally around.
You should also have wall words posted around the office so people see them regularly and remember exactly what they stand for as an organization.
Your vision statement should be simple, clear and powerful
It should be memorable and easy to understand. A good example of this is the phrase "to make the world a better place" which is used by many companies including Coca-Cola and Disney.
It should be clear and concise - so no complicated jargon or long sentences! The average length of a vision statement should be between 100 - 150 words; anything longer is likely to lose its meaning in translation (and people's minds).
It also needs to be short enough that it can be remembered easily by all employees so they can share it with customers when they talk about their company as part of their job role - if you're thinking about putting your wall words on posters around your office rather than having them printed on paper laminated sheets then this might not matter so much but if not then keep reading...
Your Wall Words (the words you put on your walls) should be motivational and inspiring
Your Wall Words (the words you put on your walls) should be motivational and inspiring. Words can be motivational, inspiring, and motivating. If you want to keep employees happy, you need to make sure that your vision statement is clear, concise, and relevant.
Your wall words should also reflect what's happening in the world today--so if there's an issue going on that is impacting your business or industry at large (e.g., climate change), it would be wise for you as a manager/owner of a company with many employees working under them who is passionate about their jobs but also care about making the world better by doing things like recycling properly instead of throwing away plastic bottles into landfills where they won't decompose properly; then this would be something worth posting up as part of any kind of "green initiative" campaign we might have going forward within our organization due out sometime next year."
Use the power of words to help your employees connect with your company's vision
Words are powerful. They can help you motivate your team and keep customers happy.
Words allow employees to connect with your company's vision. Employees need to know what direction
they're going in so that they can be part of it or not. When you have a clear vision statement and wall words
that reflect the core values of the company, employees will feel like they're contributing towards something
bigger than themselves.
Words also allow customers to connect with your company's vision--and this is important for customer
retention! Customers want to feel like their needs are being met by businesses; if there's no connection
between what a business offers and its customers' desires or needs (or even just basic understanding),
customers will leave in search of better options elsewhere.
When you know your vision statement, core values, and wall words, it's easy to keep everyone motivated and moving in the same direction. A company culture that celebrates what you stand for helps ensure everyone stays motivated.
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