No more plain walls: How to Motivate Students and Personalize Library Walls with Wall Words

No more plain walls: How to Motivate Students and Personalize Library Walls with Wall Words

A library wall is an important part of any school or library. It's a place where students go to get help and to find books, but it's also where the librarian can display the library's personality. Library walls don't have to be plain, though! Here are some decorating ideas for your walls.

Library walls don't have to be plain

A library wall doesn't have to be plain. It can be a great way to motivate students and add some personality to your classroom!

A few years ago, a friend of mine was working in a school that had just renovated its library. The walls were bare except for one quote (a motivational one) on each side of the room. She thought this was such an easy way for teachers and students alike to add some life into their space! Nowadays there are so many options when it comes to decorating your classroom or personalizing your library walls. You can use vinyl lettering or decals that say something meaningful or funny--whatever fits your library's culture.

Motivational quotes are a great way to motivate students

Motivational quotes are a great way to motivate students. The quote can be from a famous person, or it can be one that you have made up yourself. It could even be a quote from the book being read in class or something that relates to the lives of your students.

You can customize vinyl lettering for your library walls.

Vinyl lettering is a great way to decorate your library walls. You can use it to create a quote or motivational quote, which can be placed anywhere on the floor or ceiling of your library. The vinyl lettering can be used in any room!

Vinyl decals can easily be applied to library walls.

Vinyl decals can easily be applied to library walls. These are a great way to add some flair and personality to your space without having to worry about holes in the wall or paint on the ceiling (as would happen if you were hanging art).

Vinyl decals are easy-to-apply stickers that make decorating quick and fun, so they're great for a classroom setting where students might need something new now and then!

Decals can also be used to create a fun and unique classroom atmosphere. A great way to do this is by adding vinyl decals that feature quotes, sayings, or even motivational phrases! This can serve as an excellent reminder for students throughout the year.

A little creativity can go a long way!

To encourage students to be creative, it's important for us as teachers to exhibit these traits ourselves. Don't be afraid to try new things, whether that means letting your students decorate their own library wall or coming up with some fun ideas for them!

It's also important not to discourage failure--when we do this, we're sending the message that mistakes aren't okay and can't happen. But what happens when they do? Do we give up? No! Instead of focusing on what went wrong, look at how you can fix it next time around! And if all else fails...ask someone else!


We hope that you've found some inspiration in this post! Remember that a library is a place where students can learn, explore and discover new things. It's important to keep your library walls interesting and engaging so that students want to come back again and again. You don't have to spend a lot of money on decorations either; with just a little creativity and imagination, you can turn plain white walls into something beautiful! If you like this blog and would like more information, please contact us below.